Friday, December 27, 2019

Definition and Examples of the Middle Style in Rhetoric

In classical rhetoric, the middle style is reflected in speech or writing that (in terms of word choice, sentence structures, and delivery) falls between the extremes of the plain style and the grand style. Roman rhetoricians generally advocated the use of the plain style for teaching, the middle style for pleasing, and the grand style for moving an audience. Examples and Observations An Example of the Middle Style: Steinbeck on the Urge to TravelWhen I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age, I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. Four hoarse blasts of a ships whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping. The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage. In other words, I don’t improve; in further words, once a bum always a bum. I fear the disease is incurable. I set this matter down not to instruct others but to inform myself.(John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America. Viking, 1962)Three Kinds o f StyleThe classical rhetoricians delineated three kinds of style--the grand style, the middle style, and the plain style. Aristotle told his students that every kind of rhetorical style is capable of being used in season or out of season. They warned against the too grand style calling it swollen, or the too plain style which when misused they called meagre, and dry and bloodless. The middle style used inappropriately they called slack, without sinews and joints . . . drifting.(Winifred Bryan Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition. St. Martins, 1988)The Middle Style in Roman RhetoricThe speaker who sought to entertain his listeners would choose a middle style. Vigor was sacrificed for charm. Any and every form of ornamentation was appropriate, including the use of wit and humor. Such a speaker possessed the skill to develop arguments with breadth and erudition; he was master at amplification. His words were chosen for the effect they would produce on others. Euphony and imager y were cultivated. The overall effect was one of moderation and temperance, of polish and urbanity. This style of discourse, more than any other, typified Cicero himself and would later influence us in English through the marvelous prose style of Edmund Burke.(James L. Golden, The Rhetoric of Western Thought, 8th ed. Kendall/Hunt, 2004)The Tradition of the Middle Style- The Middle Style . . . resembles the simple in striving to communicate truth to the understanding with clearness, and resembles the grand in aiming to influence the feelings and passions. It is bolder and more profuse in the employment of figures and the various emphatic verbal forms than the simple style; but does not use those appropriate to intense feeling, which are found in the grand.This style is employed in all compositions intended not only to inform and convince, but at the same time to move the feelings and passions. Its character varies with the predominance of one or other of these ends. When instruction and conviction are predominant, it approaches the lower style; when influencing the feelings is the main object, it partakes more of the character of the higher.(Andrew D. Hepburn, Manual of English Rhetoric, 1875)- The middle style is the style you dont notice, the style that does not show, ideal transparency. . . .To define a style in this way, of course, means that we cannot talk about the style itself--the actual configuration of words on the page--at all. We must talk about the social substance surrounding it, the historical pattern of expectations which renders it transparent.(Richard Lanham, Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003)- Ciceros idea of the middle style . . . lies between the ornateness and perorations of the grand or vigorous style (used for persuasion) and the simple words and conversational manner of the plain or low style (used for proof and instruction). Cicero designated the middle style as a vehicle for pleasure and defined it by what it is not--not showy, not highly figurative, not stiff, not excessively simple or terse. . . . The twentieth-century reformers, up to and beyond Strunk and White, were and are advocating their version of the middle style. . . .An accepted middle style exists for any form of writing you can think of: news stories in The New York Times, scholarly articles in the sciences or humanities, historical narratives, Weblogs, legal decisions, romance or suspense novels, CD reviews in Rolling Stone, medical case studies.(Ben Yagoda, The Sound on the Page. Harper, 2004)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Alzheimer s Disease ( Ad ) - 1244 Words

Alzheimer s disease(AD) wrecks memory and other essential mental capacities. Research has shown that numerous individuals with dementia, particularly those who are sixty-five or older, have brain impairments. All through the numerous periods of Alzheimer s disease, people appear to show any indication, yet harmful changes are occurring in the cerebrum. An unnatural deposit of proteins structure amyloid plaques and tau tangles all through the brain, and once the active neurons quit working, they lose contact with different neurons, and they eventually die. Studies have also shown to slow down the rate of the developing, evolving Alzheimer s disease. Supplements are significant because of the absence of new medications to treat elderly†¦show more content†¦On a smaller scale, AD is a progressively developing disease. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the stage between the normal cognitive decay of ordinary aging and the more genuine decrease of dementia. I am specifically foc using on this intermediate phase of AD. MCI can include issues with memory, dialect, speculation and judgment that are more prominent than typical age-related changes. If one has mild cognitive impairment, you might know that your memory or mental capacity has dropped. The patient s family and companions may see a change. But, for the most part, these progressions aren t sufficiently extreme to meddle with one s everyday life and routine. Mild cognitive impairment may build one s danger of later advancing to dementia, brought on by AD or other neurological diseases.On the other hand, some individuals with MCI never worsen, and a couple show signs of improvement. Next, Homocysteine is a typical amino protein (one of the building obstructs make proteins) found in the blood and is gained for the most part from eating proteins. Elevated amounts of homocysteine are identified with the early improvement of heart and vein ailment. A hoisted level is viewed as a free hazard component for c oronary disease. High amounts of homocysteine is connected with low levels of vitamin B6, B12, and folate and renal illness. Research

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Teacher-Coach Role Onflict Essay Sample free essay sample

Teacher-coach function struggle is an issue that is common to most physical instruction instructors. Physical pedagogues normally express high involvements in training since the business of physical instruction is synonymous with athletics. In fact. most believe that physical pedagogues must learn and train merely because of tradition. hence coercing a bulk of physical pedagogues into this double function of manager and instructor. Role struggle refers to persons involved in certain functions that are viing against each other. Persons must run into the demands of each function. hence making possible struggle and the inordinate emphasis added by the effort to run into every outlook. The intent of this paper is to analyze the issues of how teacher-coaches perceive their functions. the impact on pupils from this struggle and how teachers-coaches must carry through the demands required from each function. Percepts and Performance of Dual Roles in Teaching-Coaching Teachers-coaches often perceive disparities when trying to carry through the responsibilities of the two functions. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher-Coach Role Onflict Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page that of the instructor. and the function of the manager. All teacher-coaches may comprehend struggle otherwise based on their experiences and thoughts of their needed responsibilities for each function. The manner a teacher-coach perceives and performs their function slightly involves critical constructs in the enlisting phase of teacher socialisation: subjective warrant and the apprenticeship of observation. These constructs province. â€Å"subjective warrant is an individual’s perceptual experiences of the demands for learning. and their ability to carry through these demands. whereas the apprenticeship of observation is the thoughts and beliefs one holds about the occupation of learning based on experiences in school as a student† ( Gaudreault. 2012 ) . How instructor and managers interpret their business Teacher-coaches evidently will hold differences in the manner that they perceive the different disparities between the demands of double functions. These differences may be a consequence from their old experiences as a pupil. jock. or manager. First of all. it is of import to take a expression at whether teacher-coaches had different perceptual experiences about their business. Subjective warrant and the apprenticeship of observation significantly contribute to whether persons have different perceptual experiences of the demands required for teaching-coaching. Harmonizing to Richards and Templin. â€Å"pursuing a calling in training most people see learning physical instruction as the lone feasible path to going a coach† ( Richards A ; Templin. 2012. p. 167 ) . Teacher-coaches must acknowledge that they are straight responsible for the perceptual experience of physical instruction ; as a consequence public presentation may greatly be affected by the teacher-coaches perceptual experience of function importance. Distinguishing duties between the instructor and manager One could reason that teacher-coaches perform similar structured activities during category or pattern. There are several duties that being a instructor and manager portion. nevertheless there are some conflicting function demands that make learning a full-time occupation every bit good as training a full-time occupation of its ain. Harmonizing to Kwon. â€Å"in physical instruction. the development of cognitive. affectional. and psychomotor competences every bit good as an affinity for womb-to-tomb physical activity are typically cited as aims. while sports seeks to develop pupils who are talented in a specific athletics and to bring forth winning teams† ( Kwon ( Donovan. 1997 ) . 2010 ) . Some common constituents that are about the same for each function would include undertakings such as verbal direction. presentation of the accomplishments to be performed. widening or polishing undertakings. and look intoing for unde rstanding. Therefore. sing the different features. accomplishments. and demands of each calling. it is safe to presume that function struggle will happen with an person. How political relations influence teacher-coaches behaviourAs stated before. coaching can be considered a full-time occupation itself with the extra duties that are associated with instruction. â€Å"A teacher’s engagement in institutional events and presence in the school are critical to the development of the teacher’s individuality and success. † ( Schempp. 2003. p. 18 ) is a major factor to the political relations of instruction and coaching. Persons may hold trouble equilibrating the clip spent on each function where one function may take precedence over the other. the precedences associated with learning normally being shoved to the side to carry through clip demands. Physical pedagogues love prosecuting in athleticss this one of the chief ground they entered this field. hence coaching clip demands seem far more of import than ones’ learning duties. Impact Role Conflict has on Teachers-Coaches and Students Teacher-coaches and pupils are straight affected by the clip demands. attempt. and deficiency of answerability that is placed upon the instructor or the manager. All these factors mentioned decidedly impact the quality of direction. relationships with pupils. equals. and their really ain personal life. Coaching will take a great trade of clip demand. passing a bulk of flushing. weekends. or summers seeking to equilibrate instruction and training seeking to avoid burnout. An single must be cognizant that there will be force per unit areas and clip restraints that come with being a physical pedagogue or manager. Stress and Burnout Physical pedagogues who frequently accept this double function as a instructor and a manager tend to see emphasis seeking to run into the demands of both functions. in bend ensuing in burnout. Harmonizing to writers. â€Å"role strain. besides called function overload. is defined as being exposed to greater demands in footings of clip. energy. and/or committedness than the single possesses or is willing to give to the role† ( Drake A ; Hebert. 2002. p. 170 ) . Trying to learn and train topographic points a considerable sum of force per unit area on an individual’s personal relationships with friends and household. Drake and Herbert ( 2002 ) indicate that a major beginning of emphasis ensuing in burnout was the function struggle of prosecuting in each function: Characteristic of teacher-coach places is a competition for an individual’s resources. and those who occupy this double function are forced to do determinations about how much clip. energy. and committedne ss to give to each function ( Donovan. 1997 ) . In add-on to teacher-coach inter-role struggle. these participants besides described two signifiers of intra-role struggle within the coaching function. which resulted from training multiple athleticss and parental outlooks. ( pg. 179 ) Consequently. if the teacher-coach experiences any marks of burnout it is safe to province that they are far more likely to give their best attempt and supply most likely pupils in the schoolroom quality direction. Stress contributes to teacher-coaches prefering one business more than the other. which normally tends to be training instead than learning. particularly seen in males instead than females. Precedences of Teacher-Coaches Harmonizing to Schempp. â€Å"the force per unit area to win and bring forth successful jocks. combined with the comparatively low answerability of physical pedagogues to show students’ fittingness or accomplishment proficiency usually means that the coaching duties receive greater attending and the student’s direction suffers† ( Schempp. 2003. p. 22 ) . Harmonizing to this position. teacher-coaches tend to acknowledge that they are more likely to be fired for training instead than their teaching public presentation ; accordingly. they spend a bulk of their clip carry throughing the outlooks and demands for training. The success of an athletic squad far outweighs the importance of physical instruction with most schools since the political relations of the school topographic point a much higher value on athleticss than the value of pupil acquisition. Difference in relationships between pupils and pupil jocks Work in schoolrooms are frequently isolated from equals and outside influences compared to training which notably additions far more attending from the public oculus. One must be prepared to meet more force per unit area from disposal. parents. and staff while training. later society is extremely competitory necessarily doing managers denominate more clip and attempt towards training with the extra force per unit area from outside beginnings. The influential factor of clip greatly affects how relationships differ from pupils to student jocks for teacher-coaches. An statement could be made that pupil athletes gain far more cognition and penetration than merely pupils in the schoolroom due to the fact that they have extended sums of clip with the teacher-coach. Another difference in the relationships between teacher-coaches and student/students jocks is the simple fact that the teacher favors the jocks due to the student-athletes success in the schoolroom and in pattern. Teacher-coaches relationships with their pupils and jocks is greatly affected by the deficiency of answerability for learning. and the force per unit area seen from clip restraints and sensed attempt. Schemes to get by with teacher-coach function struggle There are likely a assortment of methods used to better get bying with this double function struggle that so frequently occurs with teacher-coaches. Persons must hold on and follow schemes to guarantee success as a instructor and as a manager. There are legion schemes that are designed to obtain optimum public presentation with two conflicting occupational functions. The followers will discourse common schemes and methods that will be good to every bit run intoing the needed demands from learning and training. Differences in teacher-coaches sensed force per unit area and emphasis associated with carry throughing both functions will differ with each person. hence different schemes may fulfill conflicting demands better for some than others. Adopting methods to guarantee success First to get down following methods for persons to guarantee success teacher-coaches must be motivated and willing to alter if necessary. As discussed earlier. clip demands and attempt play a immense function in finding whether or non an person is sing emphasis and force per unit area to carry through their ends for both callings. Harmonizing to Millslagle and Morley. â€Å"time is the biggest defeat for coach/teacher† ( Millslagle A ; Morley. 2004 ) . One ground that clip may be the taking job for the teacher-coaches is the fact that athleticss are being coach twelvemonth unit of ammunition. even if the athletics is competitory merely three months of the twelvemonth. Planning and waiving on following methods to diminish the force per unit area and stressors associated with this function struggle may entirely be based on the perceptual experiences and clip of burnout. Planing schemes to better public presentation There are specific schemes that have been antecedently developed to guarantee that burnout and jobs happening with teacher-coach function struggle less often transpire. When burnout and emphasis arise three get bying schemes are often used to cut down job-related emphasis and function struggle. and avoid burnout. Drake and Herbert identified three schemes developed over clip in order to retrieve from function struggle comprised of: personal release. organisation accomplishments. and wise mans ( Drake A ; Hebert. 2002 ) . Personal release refers to dividing yourself physically and/or mentally from work such as disbursement clip with household or possibly exerting. Organizational accomplishments will farther assist you avoid emphasis from all of the multiple undertakings and skills one must possess to be a teacher-coach. Last of all. remaining in touch with wise mans for teachers-coaches is a great header mechanism. Establishing schemes and meeting outlooks The high degrees of job-related emphasis will finally take to burnout. unless persons successfully develop and utilize get bying mechanisms to cut down emphasis. Harmonizing to Ha. Hums. and Greenwell. â€Å"burnout is a province of physical. emotional. and mental exhaustion caused by long-run engagement in state of affairss that are emotionally demanding ( Ha. Hums. A ; Greenwell. 2011 ) . The degree of burnout and sum of emphasis may change from being reasonably low to highly high all depending on the state of affairs. As a hereafter pedagogue one must be willing to follow schemes such as those discussed above. which centers methods developed to get away force per unit area associated with the double function struggle. Once persons have adopted schemes that seek to guarantee initial function strain is minimum 1 must get down by concentrating on schemes such as developing clip direction for one’s personal life. organisational accomplishments. and larning from wise mans. Dec ision All in all. a teacher-coach function struggle is a re-occurring issue that is common in the physical instruction field. Although there are many methods to better public presentation for both functions as a teacher-coach. jobs will ever originate as this affair with force per unit area to win. emphasis from deficiency of clip. and the sum of attempt displayed due to low answerability. After researching the teacher-coach function struggle we should now understand the issues with how teacher-coaches perceive their functions. the impact this struggle takes on their pupils. and how certain coping mechanisms must be adopted in order one to carry through the demands required to be a teacher-coach. In my sentiment. I think that persons must be ready to meet emphasis and force per unit areas that come from double functions if they plan to go a physical educator-coach. A key to being successful as a teacher-coach is to acknowledge the possible function struggles and develop schemes that will m inimise these struggles. As schools continue to engage physical instruction instructors with outlooks that they will presumptively train every bit good will be a beginning of why this function struggle will ever be. Teacher-coaches must endeavor to happen solutions that will work out the struggles brought approximately by the double business of instruction and coaching. Mentions Donovan. M. ( 1997 ) . Role overload and function struggle: Teacher or manager. British Journal of Physical Education. 17-20. Drake. D. D. . A ; Hebert. E. P. ( 2002 ) . Percepts of occupational emphasis and schemes for avoiding burnout: instance surveies of two female teacher-coaches. Physical Educator. 59 ( 4 ) . 170-183. Gaudreault. K. L. ( 2012 ) . Socialogical issues in learning physical instruction. The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy. 1 ( 4 ) . 321-33. Ha. J. . Hums. M. . A ; Greenwell. T. C. ( 2011 ) . Double Role of Physical Education Teacher-Athletic Directors in Korean Secondary Schools. Physical Educator. 68 ( 4 ) . 221-233. Millslagle. D. . A ; Morley. L. ( 2004 ) . Probe of Role Retreatism in the Teacher/Coach. Physical Educator. 61 ( 3 ) . 120-130. Richards. K. R. . A ; Templin. T. J. ( 2012 ) . Toward a Multidimensional Perspective on Teacher-Coach Role Conflict. Quest. 64 ( 3 ) . 164-176. Schempp. P. G. ( 2003 ) . Teaching Sport and Physi cal Activity: Penetration on the route to excellence. Champaign. IL. United States of America: Human Dynamicss.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Limitation of sight and hearing free essay sample

Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. the objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. We will write a custom essay sample on Limitation of sight and hearing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Technology Devices to Overcome the Limitations of Sight and Hearing Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. Most of the limitation of sight can be overcome with the help of certain optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, binoculars and others. The range of frequency of hearing in human 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. It was different according to the age of a person. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using devices such as microphone, stethoscope, earphone and PA system. All of these devices help us to make our live easier. 1 INTRODUCTION 2OBJECTIVE 3APPRECIATION 4LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 5LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 6DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 7DEVICES TO OVERCOME LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 8PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT 9PHOTOS OF DEVICES – LIMITATION OF HEARING 10 Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hearing was limited. The objective of learning about the limitation of sight and hearing: ? I have learnt that our hearing and sight has limitation. ? I have learnt that we can overcome the limitation of our sight and hearing by using or wearing technology devices. ? The technology devices have make our lives easier. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. First of all I would like to thank my parents for supporting me on financial moral support to complete this project. I am lucky to have such parents. Thanks to my science teacher Puan Nuzaihan for giving me a chance to do this project. Lastly, I want to thank my friends that always help me and also share some information. Not forgotten for all parties that involved. Thank you very much. Limitation Of Sight Our sense of sight has its limitations. We cannot see objects that are very tiny, such as bacteria, viruses and atoms with our naked eye. We also cannot see the stars and planets that are very far from Earth. Limitation of sight is whereby a person is able to see an object, colour, shape until certain extend. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope, periscope and others. Devices to overcome the limitations of sight. 1. Microscope †¢Instrument to magnify object such as virus. †¢Objective lens and eyepiece magnify image. -Types- light microscope, electron microscope 2. Magnifying glass †¢Limited magnifying power-10 to 15 times †¢Use to see small object. †¢Magnifying glass is convex lens. 3. Telescope †¢viewing distant objects -stars, planets , Moon. †¢Consists of two convex lenses- objective and eyepiece lens. †¢The image produced by the objective lens is magnified by the eyepiece lens. 4. Binoculars †¢Binoculars provide a stereoscopic vision of distant objects. †¢The parts of the binoculars and their functions are the same as those of the telescope. †¢Binoculars are actually a pair of telescope. †¢Use- watch horses running in a race 5. Ultrasound scanning device †¢ultrasonic waves create images -organ , fetus. †¢Device shaped like microphone is pressed against the area being scanned. †¢This device sends out very high frequency sound waves into the area being scanned. †¢The waves bounce back upon hitting an organ and an image of the organ is then obtained on computer screen 6. X-rays †¢X-rays can also be used to detect the condition of certain organs or detect fracture of bones. In medical X-rays, the X-rays penetrate the internal soft body tissues and form images on a film which can be examined by a radiologist